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Read book The Last Hunger Season : A Year in an African Farm Community on the Brink of Change FB2, TXT, EPUB


Africa's small farmers, who comprise two-thirds of its population, toil in a time warp, living and working essentially as they did in the 1930s. This title tells a story of a group of Kenyan farmers working to transcend lives of dire poverty and hunger. It illuminates the challenges, and necessity, of transforming Africa's agricultural sector., At 4:00 am, Leonida Wanyama lit a lantern in her house made of sticks and mud. She was up long before the sun to begin her farm work, as usual. But this would be no ordinary day, this second Friday of the new year. This was the day Leonida and a group of smallholder farmers in western Kenya would begin their exodus, as she said, "from misery to Canaan," the land of milk and honey. Africa's smallholder farmers, most of whom are women, know misery. They toil in a time warp, living and working essentially as their forebears did a century ago. With tired seeds, meager soil nutrition, primitive storage facilities, wretched roads, and no capital or credit, they harvest less than one-quarter the yields of Western farmers. The romantic ideal of African farmersrural villagers in touch with nature, tending bucolic fieldsis in reality a horrorscene of malnourished children, backbreaking manual work, and profound hopelessness. Growing food is their driving preoccupation, and still they don't have enough to feed their families throughout the year. The wanjalathe annual hunger season that can stretch from one month to as many as eight or nineabides. But in January 2011, Leonida and her neighbors came together and took the enormous risk of trying to change their lives. Award-winning author and world hunger activist Roger Thurow spent a year with four of themLeonida Wanyama, Rasoa Wasike, Francis Mamati, and Zipporah Biketito intimately chronicle their efforts. In The Last Hunger Season,he illuminates the profound challenges these farmers and their families face, and follows them through the seasons to see whether, with a little bit of help from a new social enterprise organization called One Acre Fund, they might transcend lives of dire poverty and hunger. The daily dramas of the farmers' lives unfold against the backdrop of a looming global challenge: to feed a growing population, world food production must nearly double by 2050. If these farmers succeed, so might we all.

The Last Hunger Season : A Year in an African Farm Community on the Brink of Change by Roger Thurow read ebook DJV, EPUB, TXT

Eating Wild, thousands of people across the world have dropped 20, 60, or even more than 100+ pounds without hunger...His trial, which began in a Brooklyn United States District Court and ended in the Supreme Court of the United States, chillingly revealed the methods and successes of Soviet espionage.This fascinating memoir also includes anecdotes, topical tips and family recipes plus delightful line drawings, which will make it the perfect gift for gardeners and allotmenteers., Terry Walton has kept an allotment for over 50 years - man and boy - in the Rhondda valley in South Wales.People Amusing, perceptive and deliciously evil.Its only fault is that the book, like his life, ends much too early.The Internet Unconscious is a book on the poetics of net writing, or more precisely on the subject of writing the net.Corso (Ret.), a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk in the US Army, has come forward to reveal his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the Roswell crash.