Epic Health: Consumer Health Guide : On Epic Health, Living and Healing by Kumar Tadi read book MOBI, FB2


Health odysseys and outcomes of Americans are not where they really should or could have been. The problems are many, complex and mostly intractable until now. This book introduces unique, comprehensive, robust and pragmatic universal solution called Epic Health and its adaptation to address most of those problems and wants of participants of the American Health System. Epic Health can be both an encapsulated remedy and a cure for the endemic endogenous maladies of US Health System and can become its tonic too. It can also be customized to health systems of other countries. These solutions are based on extensive and in-depth research into chronic, endemic and deep rooted problems spanning the last 4 Å“ decades of US health system and health systems of many other countries that have been adversely affecting and have been an impediment to the realization of full potential to their consumers, providers, stakeholders and the country. The same types of problems have been afflicting other countries to varying degrees though some of them with a few fundamental changes to their health system have been able to produce relatively far better aggregate and average health outcomes than US. This guide distills and organizes these solutions into memorizable and easily understandable epigraphs incorporating 'face, form and functionality' for human, healthcare and health systems and these are called 'Epic Health solutions'. Epigraph compliant health is Epic Health. These epigraphs are the key to learning epic health literacy and having epic health. These same epigraphs are essential for providing epic health by healthcare providers and for enabling it by the stakeholders. Epic Health incorporate empowerment of participants of a health system and this book is a literary part of that empowerment. Epigraphs can lead a consumer or a provider or a stakeholder on an epic health journey to have epic health outcomes. Epic Health has many fundamental improvements that it can quite possibly set a health trajectory for many health systems for the next century. For US health system participants this book introduces two health redemption programs that can bring awareness and initiation of Epic Health., This consumer health guide is based on extensive and in-depth research for the past 1.5 decades into chronic, endemic and deep rooted problems spanning the last 4.5 decades of US health system adversely affecting its consumers, providers, stakeholders and the country. There was also extensive research into health systems of many other countries. Armed with revelatory understanding of these health systems author and others have come up with unique, comprehensive and pragmatic universal health solutions that can remedy the endemic endogenous maladies of US health systems but can be customized to health systems of other countries. This guide distills and organizes these solutions into memorizable and easily understandable epigraphs incorporating 'face, form and functionality' for health and healthcare and these are called 'epic health solutions'. Epigraph compliant health is Epic Health. These epigraphs are the key to learning epic health literacy and having epic health. These same epigraphs are essential for providing epic health by healthcare providers and for enabling by the stakeholders. Epigraphs can lead a consumer or a provider or a stakeholder on an epic health journey to have epic health outcomes.

Book Epic Health: Consumer Health Guide : On Epic Health, Living and Healing in TXT

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