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Laurie Russell - Journey to 50 : How to Live with Gratitude, Grace and the Effects of Gravity read online ebook PDF, DOC, FB2


Frenzied by the must-dos of life, we are consumed by hyper-packed kid schedules, work demands, social media distractions, and generally living depressed and dissatisfied. Mirroring the busy-ness of others, we lose our purpose and are not fully living. In her second book, "Distracted," Laurie Russell shows how to go from merely existing to living extravagantly., Frenzied by the must-dos of life, we get consumed by hyper-packed kid schedules, work demands, social media distractions and a hundred other things. We consign ourselves to living depressed and dissatisfied. Mirroring the busy-ness of others, we lose our purpose and are not fully living. In her second book, Distracted , Laurie Russell shows how to go from merely existing to living extravagantly., Frenzied by the must-dos of life, we often get consumed by hyper-packed kid schedules, work demands, community involvement, social media distractions and a hundred other things. We consign ourselves to living depressed and dissatisfied. Mirroring the busy-ness of others, we lose our purpose and fail to live to our potential. In her second book, Distracted , Laurie Russell shows how to go from merely existing to living extravagantly., In a culture enamored with youth and beauty, the 50th birthday is often seen as a death sentence... in more ways than one. It's easy to see why... what was once perky, is now droopy. What's trending now trumps wisdom. Good health is waning. And after years of putting others first, many find they are lonely, depressed and lack meaningful work. On the eve of her 49th birthday, Laurie Russell stood before a dark path, struggling to find purpose and joy. It was do or die, and it scared her. Early one morning, (because she couldn't sleep... again), She asked God, "Why am I still here? What is it you want me to do?" "Focus on regaining your health - physically, relationally, emotionally and spiritually - and then write about it." So the journey began. Journey to 50, shares the "Big Five-O's," real-life steps and tools Russell used to regain the joy in her life and to see age as a privilege. Overwhelming Dread Open Relationships (It's not what you think!) Optimal Health Organic Faith Outrageous Fun Most of the greats in the Bible were given their "big adventure" in the second half of their lives. Why should it be any different for us? God doesn't want us to sit on the sideline any longer (He knows how many hours we've put in watching little league!) It's time to reevaluate our lives, sit before God and plan out our next journey. Let the celebrating begin!, In a culture ruled by youth and beauty, the 50th birthday is often seen as a death sentence, in more ways than one. And it s easy to see why What was once perky is now droopy. Good health is waning. Wisdom is now trumped by the newest trend. And many after years of putting others first find they are lonely, depressed and lacking in meaningful work. But it doesn t have to be this way Maya Angelou said, If you don t like something, change it. If you can t change it, change your attitude. So now it s time to change our attitude and redefine what it means to age; maturing instead of crumbling, developing instead of declining. The body will follow the heart and mind, but it needs direction.Aging is inevitable, but it doesn t need to be something we dread. Most of the greats in the Bible did their best work in the later years of their lives. Why can t we do the same? If we change our focus, our goals and allow ourselves to dream new dreams, it can be a time of renewal. A time of seeing God redirect us into new work and adventure and/or improve upon our present circumstances."

Read book Journey to 50 : How to Live with Gratitude, Grace and the Effects of Gravity by Laurie Russell PDF, DOC, DJV